Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Girl Look At My Body

Original photo by jmcclare Photography
I work out.

OK, I know, but it's still funny.  I especially love the M&M's commercial with Mrs. Brown and Red.

So, I've stopped doing the P90X videos.  They are great, but I didn't feel like buying all the equipment I needed to make the workouts count.

Plus, I have a gym membership that I pay for every month that I need to use.

Also, I got some new gym clothes.  I'm most stoked on my new shoes.  They are Asic's 2013 LA Marathon special edition.  They are GREEN, not in the environmental sense, either.  They compliment the Asic Tri Noosas I already own very well.

Working out is what I did this afternoon.  I did 15 minutes of cardio on the stairmill to warm up.  I love that thing because no matter how "in shape" I'm feeling that day, I'll get a good sweat going in 15 minutes.

Once I was warmed up, I went over to the stretching area to do just that and some abs.  I did a few of the P90X exercises from Ab Ripper X:  Crunchy Frogs, Seated Bicycle (frontwards and backwards), Wide Leg/Cross Leg sit ups, Plank with hip-dips, and Mason Twists.

From there I took a look at what machines were open and decided on back and biceps for my workout today.  I started with wide-grip lat pull-downs using a universal machine.  I did three sets of eight reps using the pin in the 120lb setting.  From there I went to a free weight machine to do seated overhand rows.  I had a 45lb plate and a 35lb plate on each arm.  The machine makes you use each arm individually, so you can't cheat and compensate for a weaker side.  I did three sets of eight reps each.

From there I went to another rowing machine to do underhand seated rows.  This time the machine I used had universal type weights with pins.  I put the pin into the 60lb plate setting on each side.  Again, like the other rowing machine, this machine makes you do each arm individually.  I did three sets of eight reps.  My back was feeling pretty exhausted and my arms were starting to get pumped at this point, so I switched to bicep curls before I completely fatigued.  I started with 55lb on an easy-curl bar and did three sets of eight reps.  Then, I moved over to 20lb dumbbells and did three sets of eight reps each of hammer curls.  I barely made the final eight reps.  My forearms were so pumped at this point it was hard to pick up my water bottle and take a drink.

That was it.  All in all, it took me an hour to do everything.  It was a good pump and calorie burn.

Clayton's Back and Biceps workout for 3/13/13:

  • 15 min warm up
  • Stretch
  • 6 different core/ab exercises of 25 reps each 
3 sets of eight reps each of the following:
Choose a weight that will make the last set hard to achieve eight reps.
  • Wide-grip lat pull downs
  • Overhand seated rows
  • Underhand seated rows
  • Bicep curls with easy curl bar
  • Hammer curls with dumbbells

Have a good day and happy working out!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

New computer

Original photo by Tama Leaver
I got my tax return from The Fed and State!  With my tax return I decided it was time for a new computer.

I'm fully in the wheelhouse when it comes to Apple products.  I love the way they work, look, etc.

My previous laptop was a MacBook, donated to me by a very generous friend in Alabama when I was living there.

It started to lose functionality slowly, and finally a program that I use regularly stopped working altogether.  My computer savvy girlfriend got it going again, but I saw the signs.  Time to abandon ship.

With the signs of doom looming in front of me, I started to shop on the Apple Store.  I knew I wanted the same size screen, 13", as my current laptop.  Apple has three cool models in this size, The Mac Book Air, The Mac Book Pro, and The Mac Book Pro with retina display

After much debate and deliberation my girlfriend and I headed to the local Apple Store.  The "Helper" that helped us was some kid just out of high school.  I think he barely knew his head from his. . .  Well, he didn't really know how to help me.  I clearly knew more about the product specifications and how they would apply to my use than he did.  Which, I should, being a smart (er) shopper than most.  I had done a lot of homework on this decision, since I was going to be dropping over $1000 in one go.

I ended up with The Mac Book Pro with the 2.5GHz processor and upgraded the memory to 8GB.  After the memory upgrade and taxes my purchase came to just shy of $1500, which is what I had in mind to spend on a new device.

I'm stoked on it and it should be more than adequate for all the hardcore computing I do (or don't do really) with it.  I do plan on getting a GoPro camera or two and to start splicing some video together.  The system should still be OK for that too.  I'm not going to be going crazy with all the colors, shading, etc.  My use will be very basic, I'm sure.

Happy computing!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My 2013 goals

Original photo by
OK, I think I've reached the end of the 30 Day Push book by Chalene Johnson.
I haven't actually read all thirty chapters yet, but a lot of the 10-20 have been more about fitness than personal growth.

So, for now I'm hanging it up.

Plus, I felt that a lot of it was repeat, which is the point, because the whole idea is to form a habbit of doing a couple of things towards your goals each day.  Sure, eating an elephant seems daunting up front, but if you take it one bite at a time, eventually, that elephant will be gone. . .sweet!

Well, in other news, it's tax season.  We're a little over a month away from April 15th.  I usually do my taxes about a month out sometime in March.  This year, with the help of my girlfriend's mom, I've already done my taxes.  I've got a return coming and it is already burning a hole in my pocket!!!

In reality, I will save quite a bit of it.  At the same time, I do want to buy some toys with the money.

Surfing my SUP has been really fun.  Thanks to my dear old dad I've been paddling something, be it a canoe or kayak, since I was in diapers.  So, paddling comes very natural.  The surfing thing is great too, since my brother helped me out in Australia back in 2007 to finally learn how to surf.  The marriage of these two things was always something I wanted to try.  I knew I'd enjoy it, but man I LOVE it.  I bought some Gerry Lopez fins for my SUP.  I bought the quad, or four fin, set-up.  I recently surfed them at Tamarack State beach in Carlsbad.  It was fun for sure.

P90X is coming along nicely.  My girlfriend and I are on week seven of 13.  We are doing our best and forgetting the rest to bring it!!  It really is a good workout DVD set if you're in the market.

Studying for my ISSA Trainer Certificate is also going well.  I've taken the first chapters 1-3 quiz and passed with flying colors.  I am currently work on chapters 4-6.

I am also all registered at Cerritos College.  I haven't checked in a couple of weeks, but the last time I checked they hadn't released the summer dates or classes yet.  When they do, I'll be signing up for my first welding classes.

Well, food's hot and on the table.  Talk at you later!
