Sunday, December 6, 2015

New job, new location, new everything

Original photo by frankieleon
I've moved!  I started a new job back on the 30th of September.  I was originally supposed to start on the 5th of October, but the job called on the 28th of September and asked if I could start before the end of the month. . . in two day's time.
Original photo by Mike Mozart

I said Yes, and it has been quite the roller coaster ride since.

I wasn't able to help pack any of my/our stuff.  Girlfriend did 99.99% of all the packing.  Not being able to help with such a daunting task didn't help my anxiety at all.  I don't really ever get anxious, but geez it felt like I was going to vibrate out of my skin with all the worrisome thoughts I was having.

What I did do was a lot of the moving.  Thankfully, I did it in two trips.  Once by myself pulling a U-haul trailer behind my truck.  The next trip was with Girlfriend driving my truck following me and the 20ft U-haul truck I was driving.

Girlfriend's parents helped us load the U-haul truck at the origin and then Girlfriend was a trooper and we off-loaded into our storage unit at Public Storage in like two-hour's time.  It was truly awesome.  That unit was PACKED, but it all fit.

Original photo by Mike Mozart
Finally, Girlfriend spent her days finding us a nice 3-bed, 2-bath apartment and we're all moved in.  We closed our account with Public Storage and all of our stuff is here.

Now, the real adventure begins. . .

Keep it rubber-side down!