Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 on to 2015

Original photo by Clayton Plummer
Well, it has been a little while since I've posted.  I didn't really feel that I had much to contribute to cyberspace these past few months.

I've been going to school taking a welding class, which was awesome and everything I had hoped it would be.  I've signed up for a full load this coming spring semester which starts on January 12th, 2015.  I'll be finished with my TIG welding certificate by May of 2015.

I've also been working part time at a bicycle shop, of sorts.  It is the most interesting retail experience I've had to date, and I have a lot of retail experience.  I'm looking forward to ending this experience once I can get a job with my welding experience.  It does at least pay the bills.

I have been riding my bicycles some.  Mostly to and from school and work.  Here is my year according to Strava.

I've been surfing some too.  Not enough, though.

I've also gotten back into remote control vehicles hardcore.  I've got WAY too much money invested already, but it is so much fun.  I even got a new one for Christmas, a Losi Mini 8ight T.  It's awesome.  It is another hole in the ground that I am looking forward to pouring money into.

Speaking of money, I miss making real money.  Before I left my previous job, I was finally at a point in my career that I could sort of afford myself.  Being back on a minimum wage budget sucks.  I am SO ready to start making money, having paid benefits, vacation days, and the whole nine yards that comes with a career type job.

Well, here is to an awesome 2014 and cheers to a new year.  May 2015 be as much fun and prosperous as 2014 was and then some!!

Remember to keep it rubber side down!