Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saturday Surf Session

Original Photo by Clayton Plummer
Saturday I finally used my GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition - Surf camera.  I attached it to my Kialoa paddle with the handlebar/seat post pole attachment.

I surfed at Anderson Street, as is my usual.  I really like this break because it is fairly close to home, has a mellow crowd (if any crowd), and the waves are typically small and fun.  Plus, it has showers at all the bath houses.  I love being able to rinse off all the saltwater and sand after surfing.

I surfed for a little under an hour and had a blast.  It felt like a much longer session for sure.  I caught quite a few waves.  I even had the fortune of being caught on the inside during a set.  Managing a paddle and a huge longboard is really tough.  I understand why surfers don't like SUP guys in the line-up.  If I have to let go of something, it is going to be the board, since it is tethered to me by my leash.  The paddle is not attached in any way, so I'm holding on to it for dear life.

I set up the GoPro to take a photo every five seconds while taking video.  This made for some cool shots and some really candid shots too.  The view from the paddle was really odd when I was paddling, but once I was actually surfing a wave it was a good view point.

All said, I love the GoPro.  I'm glad I followed the advice of previous owners and READ THE MANUAL!!  This is definitely NOT a point and shoot kind of camera.  However, once set up, it takes some really amazing video and photos.  Now, I have to learn how to use the iMovie software on my Mac.

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome Clayton! I bet you have some great shots.
    cowabunga dude,

