Sunday, January 6, 2013

My 2013 goals, part 2 of 30 - updated

Original photo by alex_kuruz
Alrighty then, day 2 of Push is Goal Setting.

These goals are for the year, not just this week or month.  Chalene recommends thinking BIG.  The idea is to go outside of your comfort zone.

Your goals should mesh with ALL of your priorities, not just the main one, or one of the many others.  If the goal doesn't mesh, the idea is to think of a creative way it could be done in-line with your priorities, otherwise toss it.

Goals should be both personal and professional.  The question to ask is, "In the next twelve months, it would be crazy cool if ________."  Goals should be written in the present tense, as if they have already happened.  Also, they should be specific, with actual measurable quantities or qualities.

The second part of this day's task is to do this 10 goal writing every week, for 4 weeks (and beyond actually) without looking back to see what you had previously written.  This is my first week's 10 goals.

My Push Goal is to get my MBA.  Keeping that in mind, here are my first 10 goals:

Push Goal: TBD
Health Goal: TBD
1) I continue to live and follow The P90X diet plan
2) I have earned enough capital for a 20% down payment and purchased a $300K house in SoCal
3) I have invested my money wisely and continuously make 10% on my returns
4) I have built and sold a bicycle that I welded the frame and pieced all the components.
5) I have my bicycle frame welding certification from UBI in Ashland or Portland, OR
6) I have earned my ISSA/ACE personal trainer certification and train 5 clients weekly
7) I have my private pilot certificate - airplanes
8) I have my private pilot certificate - helicopters 
9) I have trained with a coach and raced a fun season of cyclocross
10) I have attended seven United Methodist Churches in the area and found one that fits my personality

OK, that's day two.  Next Sunday the 13th, I'll make a new list of 10 - without referring to this one.  In the meantime, I'll keep PUSH-ing through and see you tomorrow for day 3's activities.

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