Friday, January 11, 2013

My 2013 goals, part 6 of 30

Original photo by Tax Credits
Chalene's challenge for day 6 of the 30 Day PUSH is to reverse engineer your health goal.

So, same thing as day 5, when I reverse engineered my push goal of getting my ISSA personal trainer certification.

My health goal is to follow the P90X nutrition plan.  I finally got my P90X and read through the nutrition plan.

According to P90X, I'm a "level 2".  My calculated daily average calorie intake should be around the 2700 mark to maintain where I'm at while doing the P90X workout routine.  The rub is that as a level 2, if I want to get RIPPED like Tony Horton is, I can only consume 2400 calories a day.  Wow.  We're talking about a totally irritable, hangry, level of food intake for me personally.

Like me, I'm sure you're wondering if you could use your smart phone for tracking your daily caloric intake.  Yes, they have an app for that.  A buddy of mine uses the Lose It! calorie counter app.  It is a free app that has pretty good reviews.  There's also My Fitness Pal's calorie counter app.  It is another free app that has quite a few great reviews.  P90X has an iTunes app, but it isn't free.  The P90X app is nice for following the program, because your phone is always at hand to track your food and chat with other people on the P90X forums.  At the same time, the P90X app isn't a food calorie calculator.  P90X's nutrition program is based around portion size.  They state what one serving size is for everything listed in the nutrition plan.

The nutrition plan is nicely broken down for me.  A seven day; breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner plan is all laid out.  Meals that require any kind of prep have a specific level 2 recipe.  Thankfully, my girlfriend and I don't keep junk food in the house.  All of the junk we have fits into a cereal bowl on the kitchen table, and it isn't even full.  We already normally buy 90%+ of the items needed to make the food in the weekly plan.  The P90X nutrition law I will be breaking: fruit.  On the P90X plan, you are only allowed one piece of fruit a day.  Most hard-core nutrition plans shy away from fruit because of all the sugar.  Really hard-core nutrition will even no-no things like carrots because of the sugar they contain.  I like fruit.  So, sorry Tony, but I'm eating more than one piece a day.  I figure it is better than eating a snickers bar, cause I'm not me when I'm hangry.

Well, it's freezing (relative term) here in SoCal tonight.  My hands are cold from typing on the computer.  Have a good night.

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